The Good Friday Walk of Witness was a great success, with people from local churches and the community showing their support. We started at Ilkeston Methodist Church (IMC) (Wilmot Street), walking in silence in pairs along Bath Street and arriving just in time for the start of the ‘Nail’Â at 11am at St Mary’s Church in Market Square.
As we entered St Mary’s, the pews in the centre of the church filled with the gathered crowd eagerly anticipating the start of the ‘Nail,’Â
It was a powerful interpretation of the different characters’ responses to the events leading up to Jesus’ final hours before the crucifixion. The characters were Peter, the Roman centurion, Pilate, Judas, and Mary, each sharing their personal reactions to what they had witnessed.
Relevant hymns were sung throughout the presentation, which concluded at 12:30pm. There was an invitation to return for coffee at IMC for coffee and hot cross buns.Â