Bible Month – Catchup 1

All Age Worship
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Bible Month - Catchup Thoughts for at Home

At certain times in Abraham’s life, when God speaks to him, he builds an altar – a place to mark the moment in time.
Get a hold of some building materials. These might be toys like Lego blocks or something more industrial like real bricks or stones. Build a small monument to say thank you to God. If in a group, share moments when you have experienced God’s goodness.

Jacob’s life is full of struggle, but he learns that despite everything, God is still for him. What can we learn from the story of Jacob?

Bible Month Week: Let’s Pray!
Praise God for patience and grace that gives us good things despite our sometimes-poor behaviour
Pray for the church and your community that they will have perseverance when things are tough
Pray for people who are struggling at the moment, that they may feel God’s presence in the midst of the trial

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